Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day is on April 22nd

  If you log onto Google today, you will see a special animation celebrating our home: the Earth. 

This year´s Google video talks about bees! They are some of the most important pollinators. Click through to watch the video and play the game where you pollinate flowers. 

On Earth day, we remember to appreciate the environment, but we should take care of our planet every day. 

What must we do to protect the environment?

What mustn't we do? 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Monarch Butterfly

Butterflies are a type of insect that fly. Their wings are colorful, and there are many different times of butterfly. 

One type is the Monarch butterfly. This is a butterfly that migrates- or flies-- to hotter climates to reproduce. This is similar to what birds do.

The picture below shows how the butterflies fly from the USA to Mexico in the winter season, and back up when the weather gets warm. 

Watch this short video on monarchs and come prepared to tell the class if butterflies are oviparous or viviparous, herbivores or carnivores, vertebrates or invertebrates, and what group of animals they belong to. 

Here's a picture of many butterflies living on a milkweed plant: 

Monday, March 7, 2022

International Women's Day

 March 8th has a special occasion: it's International Women's Day. Today, we celebrate women all around the world and their accomplishments.  

Can you imagine a day without a woman?

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Two special events to start February off

 On the first of February, we celebrate the beginning of two special occasions. 

This year, the Lunar New Year celebrations begin on the 1st of February. This celebration takes place during the first 15 days of the lunar calendar from Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 and ends with the Lantern Festival.

In many East Asian cultures, people celebrate the Spring Festival or the beginning of a new lunisolar year on the traditional Chinese calendar. 

In the USA, you can go to any city's Chinatown and see it decorated with paper lanterns, hear the sounds of firecrackers being set off, and perhaps catch a parade complete with a dancing dragon.

Here's a clip from New York's parade:

In San Diego, the historical Chinese district is in downtown, so the festival is held in the Gaslamp Quarter. You can visit this website and see when the next festival is! 


February is Black History Month. 

In the United States, there is a dedicated month to create awareness about Black history in the country. Every year since 1976, the president chooses a theme. This year, it is "Black Health and Wellness".  We celebrate the knowledge and contributions of the African diaspora by learning about important figures. 

For example, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an important figure that advocated for peace and equality. Does this remind us of someone that we learned about for Peace Day? 

On the blog, I will be posting weekly activities related to this and to what we are learning in class. 


Check out this YouTube playlist for stories relating to Black history. 

This episode, Hana Ali will read you a book about her dad, a famous boxer named Muhammad Ali: 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Nutrition Facts

 Today, we reviewed the food groups-- 

We´ve noticed that you can´t live off of one food group alone! 

You need balance in order to be healthy. 

Remember to check the nutrition facts if you are not sure of the benefits of eating a specific food. 

Check out our Jamboard! Add 2 sticky notes with an example from each food group.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Happy first day of Winter!

The 21st of December marks the beginning of the winter season. 

It is also the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. That means we have the least amount of daylight today. 

What will the weather be like this season?

    Will it be snowy? Rainy or sunny? Warm or cold?

What will you celebrate this holiday season? 

In the USA, not everyone celebrates Christmas.

Some people celebrate Hannukah. Hanukkah is the Jewish eight-day “festival of lights,” celebrated with a nightly menorah lighting. 

Some people celebrate Kwanzaa.  Kwanzaa is a cultural holiday that celebrates African heritage and identity.

For people who do celebrate Christmas, children get to open presents on the 25th of December. These are delivered by Santa Claus, or St. Nick. Here´s a Christmas carol that sings about how Santa Claus goes down the chimney to deliver toys on Christmas Eve. 

Leaf type scavenger hunt